woah-oh i'm feelin' you baby,
don't be afraid to
jump then fallinto me

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KimberleyKieseker :D
ruled earth from 230698
studies at an isolated school
exciting eleven(:
51% happy,49% sad
not emo-ing





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Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 10:43 PM


Crycrycry...... T.T

@ 10:39 PM


Am on MLIA now. Haha

Today, I was surfing the web. I had four tabs open: two different tabs of MLIA, one of Mystery Google, and one of Youtube with "The Mysterious Ticking Noise." My browser crashed. I think it was overloaded with too much awesome. MLIA.
-LOL. Awesome:D

Today, in class we had a 50-60 year old male substitute teacher. One boy in our class decided to ask the substitute if he was ever in the war. He then slammed his hands down on his desk and screamed "Son, I WAS THE WAR!" New favorite substitute? I think so. MLIA

Today, I got a call from my parents at 2am and picked up, expecting it to be an emergency. After asking what the problem was, my mom proceeded to tell me that she had just owned my father at Wii Tennis. MLIA
-I want awesome parents too. =.=

Today, I was in the bathroom at a store, and a guy walked in. Being a girl, I yelled "What the hell are you doing in here!?" The guy said "Oh god I'm sorry!" and ran out. I was in the wrong bathroom. MLIA

Today, I passed an elementary school with a student parking lot. I'm still confused. MLIA
-I am too.

Today, I was at school and I overheard a group of girls giggling about the most popular guy in school, who looks like Robert Pattinson. They approached him and told him how sexy it is that he looks like Edward Cullen. He scrunched up his face in absolute disgust and said "Eff that, I'm Cedric Diggory". I think I love him. MLIA
-YAY! For Harry Potter!

Reference gotten from: http://www.mylifeisaverage.com

Haha. Love MLIA, Hate Twilight.
Loves Harry Potter too :D

For those of you who LOVE twilight.............. IHATEYOU:D
Nah just kidding...... :)


Sunday, December 6, 2009 @ 9:44 PM


Just came back from netball camp on Friday (:

Haha. Anyway,

DAY 1:

Reached school at 7:00 am. Then put our bags in the AVA room.

Then after some of us came, we went back to the porch to wait for the other people then we "usher" them up to the AVA room. Hahaha.

When Laurentia came she still can tell us," I thought I early leh!"

Okay. So after all the netballers put their bags already, was about 7:30 am.
Then we had an opening speech from Mrs Tan(vice-principal). Then she talk talk talk until 7:45, then all the netballers, soft-ballers and table-tennis players went to Singapore Sports School.

First we went to watch a netball match. New Zealand vs. Malaysia.
Malaysia was like totally OWNING New Zealand. the score was 18-1 when we left.
One word: WOW.

Haha. Then we went to the gym to see around. DAMN NICE SIA. Haha.
Then we go see the badminton one. They practicing for National Tournament I think. Whoa. They were like damn pro sia.

The players that were right in front of us were like : SMASH, DROP-SHOT.
Damn pro. Then one of them hit with the hand behind his back then we all were like, WHOAWHOAWHOA.
Hit like Prince of Tennis the Kikumaru Eiji like that. HAHAHA.

Then after that we went to see the table-tennis room, then the soccer field then outside the laundry room, bowling alley, then the recreation room.

WALAO EH. Their recreation room damn nice sia. Got television, computer, para-para, table soccer, and billiards man. COOL.

Then later we went to some room I forgot what was the name to watch a video on the SSS.

And we got a free water bottle.....? =.="

Anyway, then we went back to school for break. All is what, recovery food. If is not recovery food then cannot eat. Damn. But the yogurt nice sia. :D

Then after that we had the ice-breakerand team fomation. We got in our 1st-half-of-the-day group and went for some station games.

1st station for my group: Radio-active River.
Where we had to use the "Roti Prata" and sit on a wheely thingy to get across a distance without out body touching the floor and we had to get everyone over. So sadl. My group didn't get all of us over within 10 minutes so we got no stickers for that station. D:

2nd station: Spider Web.
We had to cross over some holes without touching the string. Me and Nadine went through the biggest hole at the bottom. Haha. And Kelly went through the 2nd biggest hole.
Then Lauren I forgot and and Clarissa went through the triangular holes at the side.
Then Sabrina and Karl Jun went through the holes at the top. Petunia Carried them into the hole and me and Nadine carried them down.
YAY! for this station we got 3 stickers!:D

3rd station: Okay. I forgot what was this called. =.=
Our group had to hold one ball with one person's stomache and another person's back. We all had to walk together and when someone dropped the ball, we had to continue.

When we finished walking normally with the balls, we had to walk backwards. Hard man. Haha. But Ms Goh said only our group could do it. :D

4th station: Also forgot what this was called.

Anyway, we had to use two sticks and a rubber band tied to the sticks to get the ball in the basket.

5th station: Drawing the Star (or was it "a"?)
We had to use 4 strings and a marker to draw a star in the middle of a drawing paper without crossing the border. YAY! Our group one was in the middle! LOL.

And we got many stickers from Ms Kong. THANK YOUUS.

Last but not least, 6th station: Hula Hoop.
We were given a total of 3 hula hoops. Red, Yellow and Blue.
The blue one could go any way. Red goes clockwise and yellow goes anti-clockwise. We had to make the hula hoop go one complete round without letting go of our hands.

When we were doing the actual thing the 2nd time, When the blue ended up at me(the last person needed to go through the hula hoop, it ended outside the circle!!! Then everyone was like laughing so hard.

And we got some stickers from Ms Lai.

Then we went back to the AVA room to talk about being a STAR Athlete. Then we went for lunch. Eww. Hate the food.

Then after lunch, we had a group reflection and target setting.

Then at 2pm it was break camp for non-netballers and free time for us.
Then at 2:30pm we had a Sports injury & basic first aid training.

Then later we had games with the parachute. Very FUN! :DD
Then after the parachute, we went for the maze that the seniors had set up for us like last year.

Man, was hard to get out. Had to wear a blindfold then couldn't see anything. =(

Then my message passed by Laurentia was : Googoogaagaa Abunair Shruthi. LOL
And my message to be passed to Laurentia was simple : TOP is hot.

Then after the maze, we went to chane into our track pants then we went for another short tea break. after the tea break we had to go for our adventure walk from Dairy Farm to the summit of Bukit Timah Hill. Walao damn tiring leh. My legs were killing me. D:

Then when we reach the bottom of Bukit Timah Hill, we walked to the bus stop and took a punlic bus back. hahaha.

Then after that we went to eat another horrible dinner then area cleaning.
After we cleaned the area, we went to bathe. we & charmaine ong were the last to bathe. Gahh.

Then after we bathed, we went back to the AVA room to play blind mice then watched Bring It On: All Or Nothing.

DAMN NICE SIAA!!! Their cheerleader/danceing was SUPER. Especially Crenshaw Height's crumping for the competition. AND TOTALLY LOVE THEIR ARMY-LIKE JERSEY. SO COOOOOL!

Then when the show ended at 12 plus, we went to sleep.
Man. Most opf us couldn't sleep. While i was sleeping, Charmaine was awake at that time so she asked me some questions and i sleeptalked. HAHAHA.

Day 2:

Woke up at 6:30am. Then went to the canteen to have breakfast. Then after breakfast we had specialized training by netball players who were going to go for the Nations Cup next Saturday. Then after the training all the shooters got our "Coach's" "autograph" in our journal like she was a superstar player. HAHAHA.

Then after a short break we had a kinda KILLING training by Coach Siti. Well, not exactly KILLING. But the warm up definitely was. We all wanted to die already doing the warm up.

Okay. So after another 2 hours of training, we went back to the AVA room for rest. We played blind mice again. :D

After our break, we went for lunch. Another horrible one. YUCKS.
Then after lunch we had to prepare of our treasure hunt. :DD YAY!

We had 30 minutes to prepare.

Then after we prepared, the 3 groups exchanged envelopes which had the clue to where the "treasure" was. My group camce in first and we got a box of sweets! SWEEEET. (:

So then, after the treasure hunt we had to clean up a bit. THEN AT 4:30 PM WE HAD OUR BBQ DINNER!!!! The best dinner at that camp ever. Then at night coach Irene came and she treated us to McFlurry And French Fries after the bathed! THANK YOU COACH IRENE! WE LOVE YOU MORE THAN MCFLURRY!

Then after our treat we cleaned up and then had another night movie. This time it was a Japanese movie. A bit similar to "8 below". A sad doggy story. A few minutes into the movie and Laurentia started crying already. Haha.

Okay. Movie ended. Bed time. 2nd day slept like a log.

Day 3:

woke up at 6:30am again and rushed down for breakfast.

After breakfast we had 1 hour of training again. Then a while later we had a mini netball carnival that our school hosted.
Seniors'(us) score: 2 win-2 lose
Juniors'score: 2 win-1 lose-1 tie.

Then after the carnival we had certificates of participation given out to every school.

After we gave out the certificates, we went back to the AVA room to pack our things and had a debrief. While waiting for our parents to come we played blind mice again. Haha.

Took some photos while waiting. Will post up next time.

Okay. took a hell long time on this post. byee.