woah-oh i'm feelin' you baby,
don't be afraid to
jump then fallinto me

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KimberleyKieseker :D
ruled earth from 230698
studies at an isolated school
exciting eleven(:
51% happy,49% sad
not emo-ing





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Friday, November 27, 2009 @ 11:52 PM


Haha. Hey, found a some hilarious photos.xD

Now what wa this kid thinking???

Drunk squirrel.

OO! The poor kitty. D:

Trick or TREAT!!

Horny rhino.><

So do I stop or not?

So not cute.


Haha. Naughty eh?


Out to dryyy.=]


Sad & happy.

Get me outta here!

Hmm. So is it closed or open?

Hey! Nice wig!:D

Ouch! poor Kitty

Ha. Bet you didn't expect that.

Wonder what will happen when the puke lands on the guys head. HAHA. So evil.

Bat dog to the rescue!

I guess you know what to do?
HAHAHA. Okay. Have to sleep now.

Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 9:10 PM

Hai... This holiday is gonna suck...

Got SO MUCH holiday homework sia... And everyday need write chinese journal. =.=" SIAN>.<"

Oh man.....

Heh... Oh wells. Can't help it.
Hope tomorrow swimming Uncle Philip train... UNCLE THOMAS KILLS!! AHHH! LOLS. That was random..xD

Anyways -okay. so i shall be as random as i want-, Love the song Sakasama no Chou by SNoW !!! WooHOO!! Fell in love with that song since I watched Jigoku Shoujo aka Hell Girl.=]

And.. The music video "Bad Romance" by Lady GaGa is just weird.
I mean. The weird outfits? And How does she make her eyes SOOOOO BIG??? She looks like a doll in that part...

Haha. So random.