woah-oh i'm feelin' you baby,
don't be afraid to
jump then fallinto me

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KimberleyKieseker :D
ruled earth from 230698
studies at an isolated school
exciting eleven(:
51% happy,49% sad
not emo-ing





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November 2010

Monday, June 29, 2009 @ 6:32 PM

Woaaah. I can't believe that i'm actually posting on my blog now almost everyday LOL. Hahaha.

SIAN... Later got tuition. Damnn.. zZz... Whateverrr. LOL. I am damn bored. sian... lol. now i keep "..." LOL. haha. Ehh. need to go soon. in maybe 3min? Lol. crazy time. Wahhaa. i dont wanna go tuition. Seriously, i'd rather go swimming than tuition. But... too bad, friends dont go swim on Monday one. Too bad. But then again.. I am not going swimming today. haha. ZZZ.

Oh. Whatever. byebye for now.

Sunday, June 28, 2009 @ 10:15 PM

y0! =]

Sian so bored... Tomorrow start school liao. Damn it. i seriously cant remember what is for homework and need hand up what. DAMN.

I dont wanna go back to school sia. I hate school. Except for the fact that my friends are all there. LOL. Stupid. Cant wait for the next holidays. Haha. And then next is Novenber+December holidays! =] Love December holidays the most. dont need go back to school for supplementary haha. zZz. Whatever.

So DAMN bored. Sigh...So sian. i dont know why but i cant wait for Tuesday and Friday. LOL. Crazy liao. HMM. But maybe its because of swimming??? Nehh. Dont think so. no wait... but possible eh? hehehe. But so sad... Dalene dont come swimming on Tuesday. ... only come on wednesday and friday. but at least still got friday lerhh. And Tuesday i got Shu Fang and Weilin to accompany me. Lol.

Whatever. LOL. YAY! I now got the habit to say "Lol" back. WOOHOO!=]
Ok. That was lame, isn't it. Lol. but i dont know why hor, but it seems like a lot of the funny things happen in warren lol. Maybe because got boys to make it more fun? (Hey dont get me wrong here. I am NOT saying that i like most of the boys there. I'm just saying that maybe with boys may be more fun. Because got all those couple thingy going on haha. ok. Whatever.)

errrm... I dunno what to post liao.. Soooo...

Bye bye!=]

Friday, June 26, 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Hihi=] Woohoo! posting so late hahaha. LAWL.


WOOHOO! Shu Fang!!! Ben likes you...=] Woohoo!! hahaha. LOL.
And he practically called Calvin in answer to because Calvin called him just now (i think). Then all of us in the playroom were sitting around the phone and someone (i forgot who) put the phone on loudspeaker. Gary and Isabelle talked to Ben the most. hahahaha. Isabelle acted as Shu Fang and Gary. LOL.

Then Gary kept asking Ben to biao3 bai2 his feelings to Shu Fang! Shu Fang was like so embarressed... Poor Shu Fang...=(

Then after Ben put down the phone already (cause Isabelle said goodbye liao), Gideon said," OK! Now for Kimberley and Calvin turn!" Me and Calvin was like... Nononononono!!! Then Calvin said," I only disturb Kimberley because of Daniel." Then Gideon asked me," You like Daniel?" And i was like," No!" Then i forgot what happened.

And when Kristie and Shu Fang had to leave the room, i also left a while after them. Then Gideon was like," Eh go chase Kimberley leh!" (or something like that). Then i just heck care lah. run to the toilet drink water. hahaha.

After i went back into the Playroom, Uncle Bobby was there liao. Spent some time in the Playroom (about 10-15 mins?) then went home liao.

Haha. This was sooooo stupid. Right? Heehee.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 11:19 PM

Happy birthday to MEEEEE.... =] hahaha. happy birthday to KIMBERLEY heeheeehee.

Let's sing me a birthday song.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to Kimberley....
Happy birthday to you!! yay!!!

whatever. lazy post liao. byebye

Sunday, June 21, 2009 @ 4:20 PM

Err... Hi?
LOL. I seriously dont know what to say>.<" Gosh... Today was the Annual Age Group Swim Meet right? Then got 3 Best Boys sia. Walao eh. Record sia. But only 1 Best Girl. Damn. Should also have been 3 then can match up to the boys haha. Diao. So lame. hehheh. The Best Girl was DEBORAH GOH!!! Congratulations! Lets clap for her! *CLAP CLAP CLAP!!* ehheheh.

Anyways... The 3 Best Boys were DARYL CHUA, CALVIN KWAH and GOH SHI DA!!! Grats grats. Except one of you... You know who you are. hahaha. Oh, and when Calvin's name was called out, just nice he went to eat. LOL. Like that also can. haha.

And today Calvin has slow reaction. hahahahaha to you. I shall not elaborate on what happened. None of your business anyway. Hehe i so bad. Well, its true right? Its for me to know and you to find out.


And i suddenly felt like doing a quiz! So long never do liao. Haha. This quiz is from Charmaine's blog.

1.What have you been doing recently?
Going to school for netball training...

2.Do you ever turn off your handphone?
Yeah. but very rare.

3.What happen at 10 am today?
Was swimming in competition.

4.When did you last cried?
finals T.T

5.Believe in fate/destiny?

6.What do you want in your life now?
alot, but i can't have everything i want.

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
Dunno. Dont bother.

8.What is your favourite thing that you have on your bed?
My blanket!!!

9.What bottom are you wearing now?

10.What is the nicest thing in your mailbox?
eh, i dunno

11.Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
Dunno.never been in one.

12.Are you wearing anything that you borrowed from someone?
No.i dont borrow clothes from others.

13.What was the last movie you caught?
Dunno. Forgot.

14.What are you proud of?

15.What is the 1st message in your inbox?
15 more minutes sorry. Had to stop on the way for something.-Charmaine.

16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
Against Wind. =]

17.Do you have any nicknames?
like of course.

18.What does your last text msg say?
Kim where are you - Dalene Loh.

19.What time did you go to bed last night?

20.Are you currently happy?

21.Who gives you the best advice?
Charmaine, Dalene, Shu Fang and Weilin

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?

24.Is something bugging you now?

25.Who was the last person/people to make you laugh?
Apparently Denzel.

26.Do you wear toe socks?

27.Who was the last person you missed the call from?

28.Have you ever had your heart broken?
I guess so?

29.What annoys you the most?
People acting cool & One guy that keeps saying my name.

30.Do you have a crush on somone?

31.Have you ever done cocaine?
no. duh~

32.What is the colour of your room?

33.Would you kill someone for a million bucks?

34.Do you believe in the saying'Talk is cheap'?

35.Who was the last person to lie on your bed?
Me obviously.

36.Who was tha last person to hug you?
No one.

37.Did you see the last person you kissed recently?
I, am pure.

38.Do you have a life?
Yeah. Obviously.. Unlike some people who keeps bugging me.

39.Have you ever dreamt that someone died but didnt?

40.What is the reason behing your blog song?
Uhh... Because i like the song?

41.Who was the last person you saw in your dreams?
Calvin... dammit.

42.Last time you smiled?
Just now in warren. =]

43.Have you changed this year?

44.What are you listening to now?
Apparently nothing.

45.Are you talking to someone while doing this?

46.Do you walk with your eyes closed or open?

47.Is there a quote you live by?

48.Do you want someone you can never have?

49.Have you ever played an instrument?

50.What was the worst idea you've had this week?
Didnt have any ideas. Wait... That sounds wrong.

51.What were you doing last night at 11pm?

52.Are you happy with your love life?
I have nothing to say about this question...

53.What song best descrides your love life?
I also have nothing to say about this question...

54.Does the person know you like him/her?
Dont have people in this category.

55.Who always makes you laugh?
Charmaine, Dalene, Weilin and Shu Fang. =]

56.Do you speak other languages other than english?
Chinese. Then what? Indian language ah?

57.Favourite websites?
too many.

58.What is your middle name?
For me to know, for you to find out.

YAY question 59 is empty!

60.Who do you think you are like?

61.Who will you choose to die with?
Myself. Dont want to implicate others.

62.Where have you been today?
Home, Warren, then back home again.

63.What games do you play often?
Uh. Maple?

64.Who are you missing now?
Charmaine. haha

65.If you have to choose between your friend or lover who will you choose?Friend la.

66.What are you doing now?
Writing this post. duh.

67.Which primary school are you from?

68.Name 3 colours you like?
Black, White, Blue

69.What emotion do you like to show?
Eh, laughing?

70.What is your life to you?
Happy? Maybe.

Saturday, June 20, 2009 @ 5:00 PM

every step you climb a mountain, every breath is harder to believe...

Hi haha. Gonna post about the netball outing! LOL.

anyways, continuing.

Went for training from 8-10am. Then went for NETBALL OUTING AT SENTOSA & VIVO CITY! And that was the 1st time i went to vivo city sia. How pathetic right? Lol. Haha. K whatever. When reached Sentosa we went for the luge ride 1st. Woohoo! so fun. Was the 2nd time riding the luge only. Haha. then after went for luge then go to siloso beach. went into the salty sea. Bleah. Water went into my mouth and eyes. YOWCH. The salt in my eyes so pain sia. * cry cry cry...* Lol. anyway, we had to take so long before we could finally succeed in our persuation to get laurentia in the sea. She so scared her parents will scold her if she get her clothes wet. I think. And Shruthi got buried in the sand! Hahaha. And when we bathe that time, Charmaine, Laurentia and me bathe the public one in the girls section. Obviously with our clothes on.. But we only wash hair never wash body. Hehe. After we bathe, we went to Vivo City. We went to the food court to eat. What i ate the below part of it was disgusting so i didnt eat that part.
anyway, after we ate we went to the arcade. then we went to BEN&JERRY'S!!! Yum!!! It was a treat from Ms Lim our principal. Then after we went to Ben & Jerry's, it was time to go back to school...=( And when we were walking back to the bus, Charmaine took the netball ball from Liyana and threw it to me and when i wanted to throw it back, i threw it too high and she didnt see it and "BANG!!!" it hit a sale signboard outside a shop. And me and Charmaine was like, "Woops.... Die..." but lucky when the shop owner came out, she didnt scold us lah. we said sorry and helped her put back the signboard and quickly ran away. Haha.

Then we took the bus back to school liao.

Oh ya. sorry no photo. Didnt take any. =.=

Wednesday, June 17, 2009 @ 8:20 PM

Finally.... This blog is ALIVE. Who knows how long this blog has been dead. LOL.

ok. nevermind, not funny. =.=
Woohoo! Almost finished watching Prince of Tennis (excluding the OVA)! 20++ more episodes.
but then, theres still always the OVA, which has 25 episodes. LAWL. but its okay. I dont want Prince Of Tennis to be over so fast>.< Lol. Anyway, maybe after i finish watching prince of tennis i will go back to MAPLE!!! Lol. its been so long since i played maple. Wahhh. so sad. I dont like my character. only a pathetic level 33. BOO!

Ermm.... ok whatever. byebye.

Monday, June 15, 2009 @ 11:02 PM


so happy to be home.. ah.
I hate the hotel where i stayed in Genting sia. so damn small. the toilet and shower is seperated and even if they are together, it still will be super small. =.=

today so bored. at genting also nothing to do today. only last minute buy 2 teeny weeny things only. Bleah. >.<>.<"

Damn. So hot in here. and i got nothing else to say....


Saturday, June 13, 2009 @ 9:00 PM

Hi. Wa finally got time to post on my blog. LAWL.
aiya obviously. lol. cause not watching my dear... Prince Of Tennis hahaha. okk. as if that is dear. Bleah.>.<" Lawl. anyway i want watch also cannot. Wahh. Cannot find the stupid channel on youtube that got the episodes that i usually watch from. =.=" then nothing to do so post on blog SOMETHING lorh. if not will be SUPER dead lol.
Gahh. So bored. Just trying to keep this blog alive. lol.

Cant wait for tomorrow!! Can go ride roller coaster at the theme park! Woohoo!!! Been ages since I last went on a roller coaster ride. haha.

I wanna sit the Corkscrew, Space Shot, and many others!! I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS!!!

And man, the corkscrew looks DAMN fun. i wanna go upside down. haha lol.


Friday, June 5, 2009 @ 5:02 PM

Woohoo! Changed to a new blogskin! yaho!

L rocks! hahaha. Love it.

Anyways... very SUPER DUPER long never post liao. months... hehe. Whatevurr...lols.

hahaha. kay... This pot shall be just about my new blogskin LAWL. >.<

uhh. lol? k bye hehheh.