woah-oh i'm feelin' you baby,
don't be afraid to
jump then fallinto me

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KimberleyKieseker :D
ruled earth from 230698
studies at an isolated school
exciting eleven(:
51% happy,49% sad
not emo-ing





June 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
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November 2010

Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 8:23 PM

Hello ppl cant wait 4 2morrow!




Sunday, September 7, 2008 @ 5:42 AM

AWWW sch hols r endin...dun wan it ta end sia...Hate sch...dun wanna go bak.

Ahh well nbm..dun care larhh...zzz...*snore snore*...Oh boy cant wait 4 nxt wk Sat & Sun!! okok hehehh

FAMILY DAY!! Yayy!!!!!!
ZOMG i luv Family Day
i luv th BUNGEE JUMP th most! ZOMG so fun ta go 4 tt.(i tink most of da tym i will b @ th bungee jump n th water polo ting or sumting lik tt..) im gonna get soo wet in th water tingy ehhehh ^.^"muz bring xtra clothes n wear swimming costume...

AIMS(Annual Inter-club Meet)
Dunno y bt i LUV swim meets funny horhh?

ok buaiix:D

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 4:50 PM

Hey guys
sigh nid wake up same tym 4 sch 2day coz gt netball training.
but i much much much prefer 2 go holiday trainin 4 netball thn th STUPID band...Damn i hate tt CCA.It sucksss....... Fsssshhhuu haha Mamushi(viper) LAWL its so not funny...zzz....
WALAO EH 2morrow nid go tuition frm 3-5pm...
stupid larhh oso nvvr teach ppl aniting 1 sehh..onli giv ws 2 us,do,hand up...giv ws 2 us,do,hand up...giv ws 2 us,do,hand up...nth 2 do sigh bored...
No choice bt 2 plae audi liao lorhh.....lame larhh tt game....

P.s. I luv tt game last tym bt not ani more i find it boring... ah ok larhh dun tok liao
buaii buaiix

Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 12:30 AM

Hello! Saw another Prince of Tennis oso v cute haha th subtitle iz abit blur but i dun care haha..

Ryoma v cute when he cry sia