woah-oh i'm feelin' you baby,
don't be afraid to
jump then fallinto me

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KimberleyKieseker :D
ruled earth from 230698
studies at an isolated school
exciting eleven(:
51% happy,49% sad
not emo-ing





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Saturday, July 26, 2008 @ 9:20 PM

Haha found dis "math" song on someone's blog haha so funny! I laughed so hard=]
Th song is Fergie's Fergalicious bt changed th lyrics

Four, three, two, one

Listen up, ya'll, 'cause this is it
The numbers we're making are so vicious

Mathmaticious expeditious can be kind of scary
I hope my answers aren't radical or imaginary
I convert percents to fractions, it brings me some satisfaction
Like scientific notation and order of operations

Mathmaticious (repetitious)
Gets me expeditious
My answers may get vicious
My eraser's left in stitches
I make wishes (woo-ah)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (The Pythagorean Theory)
Mathmaticious (Finds the hypotenuse for me)
Mathmaticious (Or I'll use trigonometry)
I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)

Locus of the points
Locus of the points
Locus of the points (points is echoing)

I'm up about figuring out greatest common factors
And when I make a pie chart I'm in need of a protractor
The angle of elevation, thanks to my calculations
Turns out to be 43, a prime number

I'm Mathmaticious (repetitious)
It makes me so ambitious
My answers are judicious
Calculator never glitches
It's my mission (deh deh deh den)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (What's the probability?)
Mathmaticious (Of me not labeling my axis)
Mathmaticious (When graphing inequalities)
Mathmaticious (hold, hold, hold, hold, hold up, check your work)

Computing areas
Quadratic formula
Graphing parabolas
I think they're all so cool
It's my soul commitment
That I ace the Regents
Sine, cosine and tangent
Are my favorite tools

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, hit the pi key

3.14159, 26535, 89793238, 462
6433832, 7950288419, 716, 939937,
510582, 097494, 459230, 78164,
062, 86208998628, 0348

Mathmaticious (repetitious)
Gets me expeditious
My answers may get vicious
My eraser's left in stitches
I make wishes (woo-ah)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write (write, write, write)

Four, three, two, one
It makes me so ambitious
My answers are judicious
Calculator never glitches
It's my mission (deh deh deh den)
I get the answer right, right
And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)
It's Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
I'm Mathmaticious, d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d (pi, pi, pi, pi)

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor (four, three, two, one)

I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, factor, factor...

Maple Story: The Evil Snail,
@ 12:29 AM

Lol found a kinda stupid vid
Here it is:

Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 2:24 AM

Finally cn play th com....
so bored...=(
Im listenin 2 America Audition - Magic City Couple - 17 hearts - x10
Ooo i love tt song

Goin 4 tuition @ 7.00
Stupid lame shyt tuition.Damn i dun lik Mrs Chua
Well i dun wan waste my time i go play liao zzz bb!=]

Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 9:32 PM

Posting again. Haha=]
Bt now its quiz time!

Ok lets move on....

Wat's yr favourite colour?
-Erm...Light blue,black,violet?

Wat do u enjoy doin?

Wat song do you think is nice?
-Madonna ft. Justin Timberlake - 4 Minutes, 2XL ft. Dj Unk - Magic City,
Sailormoon - I want someone to love, Hercules - I won't say i'm in love (Jap)

Do you love yr family?
-Duh~ Stupid question..

Wat type of food do u hate?
-Erm..Hard 2 say..Vege,tomato,mashed potato i guess?

Wat show do u hate 2 watch?
-Jay jay th jet engine

Say a Japanese word

Wat subject do u lik most?
-Social Studies(so many dates!Get it?)Nah juz kiddin i hate Social Studies...=( I luv Maths

Do u lik peanut butter?

How r u feeling now?

Wat show r u gonna watch few minutes ltr?
-Incredible Tales/Fish Out Of Water

Where is lik yr 2nd home?
-Warren Golf & Country Club

Wat do u like bout Warren?
-Cn climb up n down th playroom tube tingy.

R u afraid of th dark?

Do u lik being alone?

Wat do u lik about swimming?
-I dun lik any ting except playin

Wat do you wish 4?
-Mcdonalds in every school i go,spend more tym sleepin

i wanna watch tv now Buaiix!!

@ 4:09 PM

Hii found dis website on my sis fren blog. http://www.ampgames.com/game/520/Amateur-Surgeon.html

Ahh no more survivor courses 4 me now. Passed my Goldstar. Damn tt 3m junp wit th life jacket was SUPER fun!

U noe my sis n her other frens did her Goldstar last year. Some of thm were screaming away i could hear thm screamin underwater. But my Goldstar no 1 screamed most of thm said it was fun.

ahh well, gtg buaiix!=]

Saturday, July 19, 2008 @ 5:55 AM

Ahhh 2morrow is Goldstar. Nid wake up so early 2morrow...Nid reach Queenstown Swimming Complex b4 8.30. Confirm cnnt wake up. N im sure 2 look down n freak out 4 th 3m+ jump. Luckily all th competitive swimmers takin Goldstar nid reach dere b4 8.30 oso.

Ok ok enough of th complainin..

Wish me gd luck haha=]

Friday, July 18, 2008 @ 7:26 PM

Yesterday went 4 swim trainin.. Was trained under Jonathan. Nt many ppl was trained under him 2day onli Gen, Lydia, Xi Ying, Isabelle, Yuen Ping, Deborah, Me, Clara, David n Benjamin.

2day's training was okay, nt so tiring.
1st 30 ~ 40 min we went nxt to th batminton court (th Square tingy) to do land exercise.we did skipping rope, running, usin th green rubber tube tingy. Bt th 1st ting we did was play catching for 5 min or 10 min no stoppin or walkin bt we always walked as we were tired. Thn aft tt we went swimming...Aft our swimming lesson n bathing dalene, me n clara went to th playroom 2 play. We could onli play 4 a while thn we had 2 go off liao..

well... nth more to say thx 4 reading buaiix!=)

@ 2:07 AM

Here's a cool vid frm youtube=)
u could actually sculpt ice i hav nvr noen tt
here's th web: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC-KOYQsIvU

Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 10:55 PM

2day morning wen 4 swim trainin 4 my survivor course: Goldstar.
i reached warren @ bout 7:50AM. ppl hu reached dere earlier were doin 16 lap any kick.i was oso supp. 2 do it but i onli managed 2 do bout....12 laps mayb? Ya around dere...

So @ 8 AM we started 2 do th trainin 4 goldstar.

1st we did th 2 lap swim wit our pjs & shirt.Th tym we muz hit is 2min 30sec n below. i was in th 4th group Daryl reached 1st coz he 4got 2 bring his pjs. His tymin was below 2 min i tink. Mine was around 2 min wit my pjs. Dalene & Gracia were bout th same tym Dalene: 2min 18sec Gracia: 2min 19 sec.

Thn aft every1 did th 2 lap, we did th 30 lap ting we did it wit our pjs on Uncle Thomas gave us 45min 2 complete it. 1st 10 lap: Backstroke. Nxt 10 lap: Sidestroke. Last 10 lap: Breaststroke/Freestyle. Dalene & I were well,nt exactly doin 30 laps we were sort of doin 24 laps. We did onli 8 laps for each stroke. We didn't 1 2 do all 30 laps. haha....

Thn atf all of us finished, Billy(Benjamin's bro) told us 2 do 10 push ups, 10 squats, 10 of 4 jumpin jacks(lik 1,2,3,4 2,2,3,4 sumting lik tt), 10 burpist n 10 shootin stars. Aft we finished tt, we could go home as in go bath thn do wateva u 1. So aft we bathed, Dalene, I n some of th rest went 2 th playground 2 play. Dalene n i were havin a "picnic" on top of th tube tingy on th yellow colour 1. Dalene invited her sis Sharlene 2 cum up 2 enjoy it wit us bt Sharlene was was afraid 2 cum up gtg bb!

Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 8:14 AM

Hi posting 4 th second tym 2day here's a sarcastic vid tts on youtube th web is
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixAp4c-1-TU lol funny sia

@ 2:19 AM

Nth much to tok about...SIGH...
AHHH i dun 1 2 go to sch on monday!! i wish everyday was a holiday...
LOL tom Sat n i orady complainin wat a noobster i m...Haha
gtg buaiix!

Swim Training,
Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 8:44 AM

Yes! Today no nid train under Jonathan.Damn his training is SUPER tiring...

Well, 2day was training under Uncle Phillip 4 de 1st tym eva! Damn nice.I think every training @ 8pm will hav 5min break.

iDk la...As I told u I 1st tym training under him...

ya tell ya'll about it...

I went swimmin thn Jonathan had 2 go sumwhere iDk(of course) so Uncle Thomas told me 2 join Uncle Phillip group 4 de day/night.thn Uncle Phillip told us to do 100m go dere butterfly cum bak backstroke.Did it about 3 tyms coz i cum late.Thn after dat do same bt thn is go dere breastsroke cum bak freestyle.Did it about 5 tyms.Sigh...Uncle Phillip wan me 2 beat Daryl Chua hez a Pri 3 bt freestyle 38 sec same tym as me sia breaststroke of course faster thn me coz he breastroker.thn we had our break @ 8pm until 8:05pm Clara n I were a bit late thn i cant remember...hahah

@ 4:15 AM

Quiz Time 4 de day LOL^^

Wat do u lik 2 eat?
-I should say McDonalds Doublecheese burger? Ok I love it

Wat do u lik 2 eat wit peanut butter?
-Erm...Never liked peanut butter... Not one bit...So I can say i don't eat anything with it...

Wat do u lik 2 wear?
-Shirt, pants(duh~ hav u eva saw me in skirts?),slippers...

Wat songs do u like?
-M2M - Don't say you love me, SailorMoon - I want someone to love, Cascada - I need a miracle, JJ Lin - Sha Shou

Anyone said they love you?
-yes my family, God n Benjamin(his is onli 4 fun coz we were playing colour catching)=.="

Wat was the last movie u watched?
-Narnia:Prince Caspian

Anyone had a crush on u?
-No duh~

Wat show r u watchin now?
-When Rules Turn Loose(Hong Kong show)

Wat is de show about?
-iz a Lawyer type of show

Is life precious 2 u?
-Duh of course!Idiotic question...

How r u feelin now?
-Super BORED

Wat CCA do u hate most?
-Band(Dey juz won't let me quit!)

Wat CCA m u craving 2 join?

Do u hav a crush on some1?
-Between u n me.................................NO!!!

Wat do u love most?
-$M$O$N$E$Y$ (try 2 guess de word lol i bet every1 loves it)

Hu's yr good fren?
-LaurentiaKhoo n ErJiaYan

Wat r u gonna do if yr stead two-timed u?
-BREAKUP duh~(u mean if u dun agree u still 1 2 cling on 2 him even though he has another gf?)

Wat show do u like most?
-iDk bout u bt i lovin de show Spongebob Squarepants. i noe im lame...

Which month r u born in?

Hu do u love de most?
-God n my family.

Hu cares 4 u everyday, everytime, everywhere?
-God, Family, Frens

Do u believe tt dere iz onli one true God dat made us?

Ok,ok im done wit de quiz lol hahah gotta go bye!